Located in the borough of Elmbridge the town of Esher is home to approximately 750 statutorily listed buildings of special architectural or historic interest.
This list includes a mix of residential properties, churches, historic grounds, hotels and much more. Those homeowners in Esher living in a listed building will need to secure the right advice in order to ensure that any changes they make to their home fall within planning parameters.
As a first step you can find out if your home is a listed building by popping your postcode into this search facility.
In general any alteration to the interior or exterior of a listed building that affects its character will be subject to Listed Building Consent.
Homeowners in Esher can apply for Listed Building Consent via the Planning Portal, this will often be needed alongside planning permission, while advice on the Elmbridge borough website outlines what homeowners need to consider as part of this process.
Those already living in or considering investing in a listed building in Esher can also visit the free advice pages on Elmbridge Council’s website, offering them an insight into how to maintain historic buildings.
Grant schemes
There is a range of financial support available for the maintenance of listed buildings in Esher and this includes a Small Grants scheme from Surrey Historic Buildings in addition to a small discretionary grants scheme operated by Elmbridge borough council. A Historic Buildings Grant application form can be downloaded from the Elmbridge council website.
Further sources of advice
Beyond the Elmbridge borough website there are also a number of places listed building owners in Esher can turn to get general advice relating to their heritage property. The most prominent of these is the English Heritage website which also offers guidance on living in a listed building as well as guidance on living in conservation area. Depending on where you live in Esher your property may fall under both categories. Your local conservation and planning officers can offer the guidance you need in this instance.
If you are a homeowner in Esher, the local expertise offered by The Sash Window Workshop will ensure that your new sash windows not only look great but that they also adhere to listed building and conservation area requirements where needed. Why not contact us today to organise a free, no-obligation on-site survey?