
Wednesday 21 September 2016

Protecting Your Home While Repairing Windows

Do your timber windows need repairing? Worried about how to protect your property while the work is done?

If you are not careful, the process of repairing timber windows can result in dust getting on surrounding items while the work is taking place. To protect the furnishings in your room it is important to take a number of precautions.

Follow these simple steps to repair without having to worrying about damaging surrounding furnishings.

Move items away from the windows

Any items that are near your windows should be moved into a different room, where possible, in order to protect them from being damaged.

At The Sash Window Workshop, we recommend that you remove any curtains from your windows, in order to fully protect them. Also, any nearby pictures or ornaments should be stored somewhere safe while the work is carried out.

Protecting your floor and furniture

Dustsheets and plastic sheeting should be used to help protect your floor and furniture. However, it is important to ensure that the sheets are properly secured to reduce the likelihood of them becoming a trip hazard.

Any professional installer should have all the appropriate protection sheets to cover items within your home while they are repairing your windows.

How we protect your home

At The Sash Window Workshop, we understand the importance of protecting your surrounding furniture and furnishings while we repair your windows. We therefore will always ensure that your property is fully protected before starting any work.

When we conduct a site survey of your property we will make a note of any surrounding furniture or items that will need to be moved or covered to ensure that when we arrive to repair your windows we have all the protection covers that are required.

Our installers always ensure that a sufficient number of dustsheets are laid on your floor to cover the work area and the routes to and from it. In addition, we also use plastic sheeting to cover sensitive items and nearby furniture, if required.

We use dust extracted planers and sanders to minimise dust created from the work, and will tidy up to a good standard every evening.

To find out how we can help repair your windows, contact a member of our team on: 01344 868 668.